
首页 > 刘昊斌律师时间:2016年10月19日浏览4318次

· 地点:北京珀丽酒店 出行:地铁4号线将台站

· 时间:2016-11-18 星期五 9:00-17:00

· 地点:深圳富苑皇冠假日酒店 出行:地铁龙岗线老街站

· 时间:2016-11-24 星期四9:00-17:00



   Dismissal, reduction of staff is the work that HR must dearl with which is also the most difficult; Dismissed employees are always emotional, difficult to control. If HR handled properly, not only affect their mental health, In severe cases, it may threaten business operations and employee safety. Therefore, HR's negotiation skills with employees is particularly important.


   Interviews are an effective way for enterprises to reduce the risk of employment and reduce economic losses, particularly in the dismissal of the staff. In their daily work, enterprises dismissing pelagic staff because of economic conditions, changes in project engineering, or employee's own ability , and this situation is brute which the company do not want to see, but the company ususlly do not have other choice which they have to make the most difficult decision. Compared to ordinary employees, pelagic staff already in a certain social position which has a strong social cognition. Conduct interviews and dismiss them that can not simply consider their gender, age, family, economic status . And Liuhao Bin lawyer cited several cases for us, analysis what are the most important considerations of the dismissal of senior executives in the interview by cases.


   Corporate labor contracts is a difficult task, it's a great challenge for HRs,  In the implementation process,HR often make an  impasse in negotiations because of communication problems, even lose control emotionlly and lead to bigger conflicts which make a labor dispute.So, communication skills and emotional control skills are important skills of the human resources staff.

   本次培训刘昊斌律师结合大量案例与律师实际应对方案, 帮助提高人力资源人员的面谈沟通能力与沟通中情绪控制能力,从而提高劳动争议的事前预防能力及事中控制能力

   Liuhao Bin lawyer will combine with the large number of cases and the actual solutions which lawyer deal with these problems to help improve communication skills and emotional control skills of HR in this training. Improve the prevention skills of labor dispute and control skills in process.

费用及优惠/Fee and Discount


Fee:RMB 3500/one person(More than 2 people sign up can enjoy 15% off discount, RMB 2975/one person)








A、The risk of dismissal of employees and details of the control point


1, The five forms of employee turnover


(1) An employee resigns


● Low risk for personal reasons


● High risk for company fault


(2) The termination of the contract expires


● High risk for company unwilling to renew


● Low risk for staff unwilling to renew


(3) Separation by mutual agreement


● Low risk


(4) Dismiss employees without fault


● High risk for Medical expires


● High risk for incompetence


● High risk for significant changes in the objective situation


● High risk for probation failure


● High risk for collective redundancies


(5) The employee is at fault for termination


● High risk for serious disciplinary lift


2, Risk consequences for dismissal employees


(1) Double Indemnity


● Seinor Staff


● Junior staff


(2) Continue to perform


● Executives


● Female Employees in Special Period


● Medical Period


(3) How to control the probability of continue performence


● Improve the success rate negotiation


● Improve lift Compliance


● Improve arbitration skills


- Lifting and arbitration time interval


- Continue to perform if there is reality


- Whether employees have a work now


- Contradictory sharpness


- Willingness to pay a 2N


B、 For the termination of the contract to do the basic work


1.HR basis of compliance with the status quo in cognitive


- Measuring about HR's understanding of legitimacy

(1)一年期限劳动合同,试用期最长是 A、一个月;B、两个月?

(1) Year term labor contract, the probation period is A, one month; B, two months?

(2)在原公司办理了待岗手续,来我公司就职的,应当建立 A、劳动关系;B、劳务关系?

(2) In the original company of the waiting list procedures apply to my company office should be established A, labor relations; B, labor relations?

(3)合法二胎且是晚婚晚育的,产假天数是 A、98天;B、128天

(3) The legitimate second child and is delayed marriage and childbearing, the number of days of maternity leave is A, 98; B, 128

(4)试用期内的员工怀孕但确实不符合录用条件的,公司 权单方解除?A、有;B、无

(4) The probation period of pregnancy but does not meet the conditions of employment, the comany have the right to dismiss the staff? A, there; B, no

(5)未休年假天数折现时,是再给 倍现金?A、2倍;B、3倍

(5) Days of unused annual leave when the discount is to give times cash? A, 2 times; B, 3 times


- Exist on the legality


(1) Diaphragm sense


(2) lag


- The legality of the transition to a causal relationship


2. The regulations operability - matching requirements


-HR Three-stage selection rules:


(1) directly related;


(2) indirectly related;


(3) ambiguity or reveal all the details of the provisions


- Improving matching approach: starting from the employee duties, increase good flow rationality


3. Construction


The signed document, whether all signed?


A. Labor Contract


B. Employee Handbook


C. all kinds of notice


4. The important file , it's all?


A. resignation proof


Case: bears employee non-competition entry, and no leaving certificate


(1) Looking for evidence to prove the place of departure


(2) Compliance with the conflict between labor demand


(3) Internal Control Risk and external control of the points


(4) Sustained attention of HR for events


5. The regulatory process, it's all made?


A. vacation leave process


(1) Annual leave nature: statutory annual leave and social annual leave


(2) Annual leave leave order


(3) Annual leave settlement before departure


(4) Annual leave controversial high outbreak rate


6. Handling relations with the business sector


(1) Dismiss employees, who should inform employees?


(2) Dismissed employees, who will do the audit evidence?


(3) Who will bear the burden of proof


(4) How to reflects the support for the business sector?


C、Preparations before the interview


1. Why dismiss employees --- Make start Policy


(1) The true facts


(2) HR habitsof start strategy and expectations for employees' psychological guide effect


(3) Our proposed strategy start


2. Who is going to interview with staff? - Specify the appropriate negotiators


(1) Who is the chief negotiator?


(2) HR how to find the entry point?


(3) Feeling, perception, discovery technology (Feel Felt Found)


3. Who are employees? - Analysis Technology


(1) Understand the basic information of employees and the significance of these infomations


(2) Understand the past performance of the staff and special events


4. There are several dismissed plan- Design consultation program


(1) A method to quickly find negotiated solutions


(2) Design approach compensation scheme


(3) Design approach pressure scheme


(4) Integrated skills of Compensation and pressure


(5) Skills to promote the implementation of the program


D、Staff's 12 mental state and coping methods


1, Psychological gap


2. Compensation


3, Retaliation


4, Closed


5, The herd


6. Leaders


7, Opposition


8, Reverse


9, Repeatedly


10, Conflict


11, Mental imbalance


12, Psychological adjustment


刘昊斌 律师

Liu Haobin lawyer

北京市联拓律师事务所主任 、 中央电视台东方名家特邀讲师

Extension of Law Office in Beijing, famous CCTV Orient Guest Lecturer


Work experience:


Invited by the China Education Television  on stage to teach the "Labor Contract Law", "Labor Contract Law" many times.


Invited by the Beijing TV , make a Lecture of the use and change of tracking resolve labor contract law in the judicial practice.


Used to be the labor relations consultant of Beijing Arbitration Commission, China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources, Advanced Technology Group, Novo Nordisk, Topsoe, Merck, Bausch & Lomb, China Finance Online, Chengdu Sobey, German GFK number of large domestic enterprises.


The company which he serviced, including Germany, Denmark, Japan, the United States and other large foreign companies, there are also institutions, large state-owned enterprise group and private company.


Make internal training for John Deere, Budweiser, Cologne, Germany, CNOOC, Philips and Lenovo Group and many other large companies conducted, Create Three Compensation and nine pressure measures training system.


As labor law support team, he participated in the formulation of the implementation of CRC's resettlement program and the thousands of companies downsizing projects, with a wealth of experience in non-litigation services.